Steel, Structures & Piping Items.

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Symbol Definition
+A (TC)Soft annealed
+ACSpheroidized annealed
+ARRaw for rolling, natural state
+ATSolubilization annealed
+BCHot formed and sandblasted
+BG (FP)Spheroid annealing (not laminar)
+BKBright down, no heat treatment after drawing
+BKWCold drawing involving limited deformation
+CnnnCold drawn to obtain nnn N/mm2
+CHCore hardenability
+CRCold rolled
+DCCondition of supply selected by supplier
+FP (NT)Treated for ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness
+GOther characteristics
+GBKAnnealed in protected atmosphere (ex. bright annealing)
+GKZSpheroid annealing
+HCHot rolled followed by cold hardening
+HNormal hardenability at maximum range
+HHHardenability restricted towards top
+HLHardenability restricted towards top
+HRTreated for a certain range of hardness
+HWNormal state of hot forming
+IIsothermal annealing
+LCSkin pass (flattened)
+MThermo-mechanically rolled
+N (TD)Normalized
+NBKNormalized in a controlled atmosphere
+NTNormalized and tempered
+PHardened by precipitation
+PIHot formed and pickled
+PLPolished (smoothed)
+QAQuenched in air
+QOQuenched in oil
+QT (TF)Quenched and tempered
+QWQuenched in water
+RARecrystallization annealing
+SAnnealed for cold shearing
+SHPeeled reeled
+SR (BKS)Stress relieved
+TH (BF)Treated to obtain a range of hardness
+WWHot forming
+VHardening and tempering
0Through thickness property, minimum reduction of area 15%
0Through thickness property, minimum reduction of area 25%
0Through thickness property, minimum reduction of area 35%
Smaller or equal
Greater or equal
2.1Statement of compliance with the order. 
Document validate by the manufacturer
2.2Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of result 
of non-specific inspection. Document validate by the manufacturer
3.1Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of result 
of specific inspection. Document validate by the manufacturer’s 
authorized inspection representative independent of the 
manufacturing department
3.2Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of result 
of specific inspection. Document validate by the manufacturer’s 
authorized inspection representative independent of the 
manufacturing department and either the purchaser’s 
authorized inspection representative or the inspector designated 
by the official regulations
HBGeneral Brinell hardness, ball
HB 30Brinell hardness, 3000 kgf ball 10 mm, duration 15 seconds
HBSBrinell hardness ball steel
HBWBrinell hardness, tungsten-carbide
HVVickers hardness
HV 10Vickers hardness load 10 Kgf (98,07 N)
HRGeneral Rockwell hardness
HRCRockwell hardness, diamond penetrator
HRBRockwell hardness, ball steel
A4Elongation L0 = 4 x Ø according ASME and ASTM
A5Elongation L0 = 5 x Ø according EURONORM
aKImpact energy Joule / cm ² – daj / cm ² – kp / cm ²
AvImpact energy Joule – Daj – kp
….Ee.g. C45E with max sulphur content specified
….Re.g. C45R with a range of sulphur content specified
RSt….e.g. RSt 37-2 R = killed steel
RR….e.g. RRSt 44-3 special killed steel
U….e.g. USt 52.3 rimming steel
X….e.g. X6Cr17 X = the average content of at least one alloying element ≥ 5 %
me.g. Cm 55 with a range of sulphur content 0.020-0.040%
….Ke.g. C15K, St 37-3 K = cold drawn
….Kes. CK15 = fully killed
PSteels for pressure purposes
Symbol Definition
SStructural steel
HCable profile
QSHigh quality steels
LUse at cryogenic temperatures
N – KGUse at ambient temperatures
NL – KTUse at low temperatures
NH – KWUse at high temperatures
FFFully killed steel
FNRimming steel not allowed
FURimming steel allowed
GCSuitable for cold drawing
G1Rimming steel allowed
G2Rimming steel not allowed
G3Fully killed steel
G4State of supply at producer’s discretion
JJoule, energy unit impact
J2Guaranteed impact strength at –20 °C > 40J
J0Guaranteed impact strength at 0 °C > 27 J
JRGuaranteed impact strength at +20 °C > 27 J
KvImpact strength with V notch 2 mm
(equivalent KV, KVF, Charpy-V, ISO-V)
RRoom temperature
XSuitable for low and high temperatures
H, H2Hydrogen
+AHot dip aluminium coating
+ARAluminium coating
+ASAluminium-silicon alloy coating
+AZAluminium-zinc alloy coating (> 0% Al)
+CEElectrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coating ECCS
+CUCopper coating
+ICInorganic coating
+OCOrganic coating
+SHot dip tin coating
+SEElectrolytic tin coating
+THot dip lead-tin alloy (terne) coating
+TEElectrolytic lead-tin alloy (terne) coating
+ZHot dip zinc (galvanized) coating
+ZAHot dip zinc-aluminium coating (> 50% Zn)
+ZEElectrolytic zinc coating
+ZFHot dip zinc-iron (galvannealed) coating
+ZNElectrolytic zinc-nickel coating
PTensile strength N/mm2 550 – 700
QTensile strength N/mm2 625 – 775
RTensile strength N/mm2 700 – 850
STensile strength N/mm2 775 – 925
TTensile strength N/mm2 850 – 1000
UTensile strength N/mm2 925 – 1075
VTensile strength N/mm2 1000 – 1150
WTensile strength N/mm2 1075 – 1225
XTensile strength N/mm2 1150 – 1300
YTensile strength N/mm2 1225 – 1375
ZTensile strength N/mm2 > 1550
J3Guaranteed impact strength at –30 °C > 27J
J4Guaranteed impact strength at –40 °C > 27J
J5Guaranteed impact strength at –50 °C > 27J
J6Guaranteed impact strength at –60 °C > 27J
KRGuaranteed impact strength at +20 °C > 40 J
K0Guaranteed impact strength at 0 °C > 40 J
K2Guaranteed impact strength at -20 °C > 40 J
K3Guaranteed impact strength at -30 °C > 40 J
K4Guaranteed impact strength at -40 °C > 40 J
K5Guaranteed impact strength at -50 °C > 40 J
K6Guaranteed impact strength at -60 °C > 40 J
LRGuaranteed impact strength at +20 °C > 60 J
L0Guaranteed impact strength at 0 °C > 60 J
L2Guaranteed impact strength at -20 °C > 60 J
L3Guaranteed impact strength at -30 °C > 60 J
L4Guaranteed impact strength at -40 °C > 60 J
L5Guaranteed impact strength at -50 °C > 60 J
L6Guaranteed impact strength at -60 °C > 60 J